I've discovered my purpose!!!

Finally! I've found a purpose for this particular blog. Not that I dislike blogs or nothin'.... but I've been blogging my brains out on my other site.

I've decided to use this blog to post my graphic design work. If I'm going to be stuck at this desk all day with Photoshop, I might as well get some experience, aye?

So here is the first one... I made it for the Chinese language program at my university. The lovely young woman in the background (almost dead center in the page) is, of course, a man. Quite a beautiful man at that. The Chinese script on the very right side of the piece is the Lord's prayer. The phoenix I used to layer (on the right side ) is actually from a antique purse I found a picture of on eBay. Don't tell anybody!

This was created for a small theatre company in the Twin Cities. All they said was that they wanted a postcard for their play "about a man and his mom." They added that the mother often baked. So this is what I put together. I'm a big fan of fonts that look like they're from the 40's and 50's. My life's dream for a long time was to work in a diner and have a little blue outfit with a white apron, but I digress...

This was actually a mock up for the promotion. I never met anyone from the play; all of our communication was through email. This is the first piece they saw, and told me to print it. The picture of the woman on the lower right was eventually replaced by a photograph of the author's own mother who had passed away after a long fight with a terminal illness.

Both this piece and the Chinese language flier above were done quite a while ago. I don't have any formal training in Photoshop, so if I did anything right, it was a total accident.